‘The video of your performance in Belfast has gone viral on Twitter,’ said Kaminsky with what Bunter thought was smug satisfaction. You’ve gained 22,000 followers and 82,000 likes. Of course, Siobhan made sure all the silliness was edited out.’ ‘I don’t have a Twitter account,’ said Bunter, attempting to…
Bunter and Kaminsky located Tempus-Fugitson seated in a vast oak panelled office in Tufton Street with his hands behind his head, humming Land of Hope and Glory to himself with a far away smile. A life-sized portrait of Margaret Thatcher dressed as Boadicea glowered at them from one wall. Everything…
‘Free Palestine!’ says Dave on Twitter. He has a tiny Palestinian flag next to his profile and 39 followers. Dave is from Norwich. I ask him which part he wants to free, to which he replies, ‘all of it,’ and I know instantly that he won’t be able to identify…
It’s difficult to find an independent voice on the emotive subject of the UK government’s policy on ‘stopping the boats’ so I thought I’d turn to Artificial Intelligence to see if it could come up with an intelligent solution. The question I put to ChatGPT was: ‘How can I stop…
‘It’s you lot,’ complain the increasingly rabid and marginalised voices of those that didn’t get the Brexit they thought they voted for. ‘Always talking the country down.’ As if by talking the country up the supermarket shelves would be magickly restocked with all manner of exotic fruit and vegetables, and…